Sunday, March 6, 2011

Typical Weekend Grub


Breakfast: 8:00AM

Easy and quick, and I like oatmeal. I usually don’t function without at least a semi-lethal amount of caffeine in my system. 8 cups of coffee=8 hours of sleep, right?

2 cups of Quaker steel oats,

3 tablespoons of Sunmaid raisins

2 tablespoons Market Pantry brown sugar

2 cups of Target Brand milk

3 cups of Peace Coffee

Lunch: 11:40AM

Had time to stand in the 40 person line at Coffman. Didn’t really need the scone, but I had an extra dollar because I found a parking meter with an hour and a half left on it #score

1 Grande Starbucks Vanilla Latte

1 orange cranberry scone

Dinner: 6:00PM ish

It was one of those “let’s not eat to get drunker quicker” nights

10 cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon (haha)

3 (ish) shots of Jack Daniels

Fourth meal: 11:30PM

Qdoba steak burrito (Because I was drunk. And Qdoba is awesome, though a total rip off of Chipotle ,and not half as good, but twice as close)


Breakfast: 10:30AM

Felt like a good day to skip class and head to the closest breakfast food restaurant for some greasy grimey awesomeness.

Perkins Tremendous 12 (the ultimate hangover cure)

4 pancakes

4 scrambled eggs

8 oz maple syrup

3 cups of coffee

1 cup fruit

1 blueberry muffin

Lunch: 3:00PM

Roommate was feeling ambitious and made Mexican food. Helped myself.

2 Market Pantry flour torillas

16 oz José olé refried beans

1 lb chopped sautéed chicken

2 tablespoons pace salsa

8 oz Market Pantry Colby jack cheese

1 chocolate chip cookie

3 cups of apple juice

Dinner: 7:00PM

Had nothing in the kitchen except what I made below.

1 Peanut butter and jelly sandwich (Jiff and Welches, Market pantry bread)

Tostitos chips

Market Pantry corn salsa

1 Gatorade Fierce


Breakfast: 12:00PM

Felt like a frnech toast day. Plus the eggs in my fridge were about to spoil.

3 cups of Peace coffee

1 teaspoon Splenda sugar substitute

2 slices of French toast

Hungryjack Maple syrup

2 cups Kemps Cottage Cheese

Lunch: n/a

Meh. Just wasn’t hungry. And I took a four hour nap.


Dinner: 5:30PM

Bought some chicken at Target because it was on sale. Made some garlic bread with a baguette I stole from my roommate.

2 Roasted chicken breasts

1 large Caesar salad

3 slices of garlic bread

4 glasses of red wine

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