Sunday, March 6, 2011

Too Much Free Pizza!

I work at a place called Mesa Pizza, which is a pizza place that serves slices of pizza and is open quite late, most often to accommodate the rush of people coming back from the bars once they have closed. This weekend, I worked a 9 – close on Friday, which generally runs until 4:30-5 am, and then the next day on Saturday I worked 5 – close, which also ended around 5 am. This food log is based on an atypical weekend, but the results for the times of day I ate and the types of food I ate are very typical for a weekend for me.


Woke up right around 1 pm, and since I couldn’t decide what I wanted to eat: breakfast or lunch, made both.

1:30 pm:
2 Chocolate Chip Pancakes

A bowl (around 2 cups) of Pasta with cheese

And a big glass of Hawaiian Fruit Punch

During the afternoon drank four glasses of water with ice (as I consider any water that is not so cold it nearly physically hurts to drink disgusting).

8:25 pm:
Before work I ate 27 Triscuit crackers (it definitely felt weird to count the amount of crackers).

Between 10 pm and 1 am:

2 cans of Diet Dr. Pepper (in my excitement over my work switching from Diet 7-Up to Diet Dr. Pepper as a beverage option).

5:15 am:

After work with a couple co-workers, had 5 Milwaukee Special Reserve beers (and for my own sake I will note that this particular brand of beer was not by choice).


As I had fallen asleep late, and slightly intoxicated, I woke up pretty late as well.

2:35 pm:

1 bowl (about 2 cups) of Banana Nut Cheerios

A standard cup of black coffee

6:30 pm:

A slice of Chicken Penne Alfredo pizza (breaded chicken, penne noodles, alfredo sauce, pizza crust).

A can of Sunkist

1:15 am:

A slice of Chili Cheese Fry pizza (Beef chili, cheddar cheese, seasoned French fries, pizza crust).

5:30 am:

Upon coming home to finding that my roommates were still awake and dealing with the stragglers of a party that had taken place there, we decided that McDonalds is probably open for breakfast, and went to get some food.

1 Bacon, Egg and Cheese McGriddle

1 Hashbrown (with ketchup)

1 Medium Coffee with one pack of sugar

It took until seeing it written out that I realized just how much pizza I consume in a week due to my job. Not only are we given the opportunity to constantly be eating pizza while working, but at the end of a shift / end of the night, we take home all the leftover pizza. It is completely free and filling, so naturally I take advantage of the food. As screamingly unhealthy as all of this sounds, a basic weekend for me plays out like this. During the week I do try to eat healthier, and thinking about it now, I eat a lot less during the week than a healthy 3 meal a day.

I realize as well that my erratic work schedule and having classes only 3 days a week greatly dictates the times it is possible for me to eat, the food I eat as I don’t always have time to make food or remember that buying groceries is an important errand to run.


  1. Shae, I noticed the same trend in my daily food intake. If I am on the run between classes and work, I skip meals. If there is free food..I eat it. Not necessarily taking an active role in my diet, but I like to think being a college student short on time and money has a lot to do with it. Glad to hear I am not the only one who forgets something as essential as grocery shopping.
