Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blog Posting #5 (due Sunday 3/6, 11:59 P.M.): FOOD JOURNAL!

Next week, we begin our study of food. This week's blog post -- a "food journal" -- will set up our work and give us a place to start. Here's how to proceed:
two to three days (preferably three), between now and Sunday, and during those days, keep track of everything you eat and drink (or, as I so colorfully put it, pretty much "everything you put in your mouth"!). You'll probably want to carry some kind of pad or notebook around with you, so you can record as you go.

Specifically, keep track of:

a) what you eat (ingredients? brands? how much? etc.);

b) when you eat it (at what times? how regularly? how does eating fit into the rhythm/arrythym of your work days? and your non-work days?);

c) where you eat it (at home? bag lunch in the office? fast food? local community-owned cafe? where you do spend your money, and how much?); and

4) why you eat it (simply, not metaphysically -- for example, "I ate at McDonald's because I had a class in 20 minutes and it was the only restaurant that was around/could serve me fast enough/I could afford.").

At the end of those two or three days, record your results here on the blog. Probably best to do it in chronological order, event by event, day by day.

Finally, comment on at least one other food journal (preferably more than one, if you have time!), analyzing your colleagues' food-lives and seeing what kind of insights you can draw. Use part one of The Omnivore's Dilemma (the reading assignment for next Tuesday) to guide you.

And of course, get in touch with your colleagues and/or me if you have any questions. Happy eating!

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