Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hello everyone. This isn't directly related to any class material, but considering the nature of the topics we cover in regards to the relationship between science and culture, I thought it might be something at least a few of you would be interested in.

Over the last few years I have become enamored with a specific youtube user, "potholer54". He is a man of british decent currently living in Australia who has many years of experience as a media reporter. One of his side projects is making detailed and well researched videos describing scientific concepts, as well as dealing with the way science is represented in the media. He mainly deals with the subject of geology, and climatology.

He has two major series. The "made easy" series, which covers things from the big bang, to natural selection, to human evolution and more, is basically exactly what it sounds like. It takes scientific data and communicates it in layman's terms. While not as detailed as actual scientific data, it covers all the essentials in a very easy to understand (and humorous) manner. If you've ever wanted to brush up on your scientific knowledge regarding the earth, the universe, or natural selection, the series is one of the best places to do that.

The second series concerns global warming, and how it is conveyed in the media. He takes notable "experts" on global warming ("expert" in this case almost always meaning a prominent media figure with little to no actual scientific qualifications) and analyzes/criticizes their claims by comparing them to the actual scientific data surrounding the topic. Of the two series, this is the one much more focused on how science is communicated in the media (or rather, how it isn't) and is the more relevant of the two series.

You can go to his channel and see the videos for yourself here.

Just a fair warning. The "made easy" series as a very significant anti-creationist bent to it. Indeed, one of the original purposes of the series was to debunk creationist "criticisms" of scientific theory. There is a slightly truncated version "made easy for schools" which mostly eschews the anti-creationism, so I would recommend that if your the type to be offended by such rhetoric.

For those interested, he also has a second channel "potholer54debunks". This channel is less related to this class, but is a rather fun and humorous series that focuses on debunking the "science" of prominent creationists such as Kent Hovind, Ray Comfort and others.

You can find that channel here:

Thanks, and I hope you find the videos enjoyable and educational, as I have.

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