Sunday, February 27, 2011

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

So I would imagine that almost all of us have told a little white lie once in our lives? In some circumstances this is okay, and it usually do not harm anyone. There is a saying; what you don’t know, you are better of not knowing at all. But there are some people that tell more then just little white lies to get their way in life. We can call those people for compulsive liars.

A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit. Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions. Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small. For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right. Compulsive lying is usually thought to develop in early childhood, due to being placed in an environment where lying was necessary. For the most part, compulsive liars are not overly manipulative and cunning (unlike sociopaths), rather they simply lie out of habit - an automatic response which is hard to break and one that takes its toll on a relationship.
Read more at:

The people that are compulsive liars are not only hard to figure out, but they are hard to be around. What is the truth and when are they actually lying, or is their whole life a lie. What do we do with people like this?
So my question is what makes people lie all the time? Can we blame this on that it is a disease? Should we use science to make a drug we can give to the compulsive liars so they stop lying? That would be easier than putting them in therapy and what not. There wouldn’t be any more liars out there if we had a drug that could solve this problem. Doctors have tested the brain of people who are compulsive liars and of people that are not.
“Pathological liar (compulsive liar) may have a slightly different brain than those people disposed to tell the truth. In the prefrontal cortex of the brain, pathological liars were shown to have 26% more white matter than do people with other psychological disorders who don’t lie. Previously, white matter has been linked to ability to lie. Lower amounts of white matter is typical in the brains of people with autism, who generally cannot lie, suggesting that more white matter disposes one to the increased ability to lie.” Read more at;
Since it has been tested and we almost can say it is a disease, I think we should come up with a drug for it, instead of a naturally treatment. It would be so much easier for the people that are compulsive liars and for the people around them. On my first link there are suggestions on how you could help people that are compulsive liars.

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