Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dependent autonomy

Many Americans feel as if a democracy is an institution in which they are free to do whatever they want. Sure, there are laws and other morals guiding them, but democracy is all about personal freedom. Everyone in a democracy has unlimited choices to pursue what they think is best. What many people do not realize is how this freedom ultimately depends on others. This dependency has many factors and Carl Elliott is very perceptive in knowing how they shape all Americans.

In his book, Better Than Well, Elliott describes our country as being ruled by marketing and competition. In describing how these factors shape values, he shows how other elements are interconnected. For example, marketing and competition cause consumption, which in turn produces self-esteem. This esteem is also a factor in consumption because it depends on the driving competition to see who appears superior. Enhancement technologies enable these factors to reach target audiences and a wider range of people. These factors shape identities throughout all stages of life and can also be described as elements of Biopolitics, since they all intersect at Life and Society.

Since Americans live in a democracy, all these connected factors have a great influence on their personal identity. I completely agree with Elliott because every experience from birth to death helps shape who a person becomes. Throughout my experiences, I have heard many people share opinions on how ‘wrong’ a certain concept appears to them: I believe in this, so this person must be punished or looked down upon or adhere to my beliefs. I have been guilty of this stance as well – we all have. Taking this stance against Biopolitics ultimately means taking a stance against freedom, because by limiting the choices of others, one limits their own choices.

Elliott also says Americans want to believe their individuality is independent of outside forces and that our choices do not depend on others. This is seen in the overwhelming societal desire for autonomy. A cornerstone of the American Dream is to ‘make it on your own’ and be successful. Currently, it is essential that individuals use the latest technology to achieve this goal (plastic surgery, the latest cell phones, fast internet connections, etc). Developments in technology are growing at an exponential rate which means that essential aspects of American life need constant updating. This new form of life gives the illusion of increasing autonomy, but actually increases the dependence on others. Even though these others are more likely to be strangers than close acquaintances, it is impossible for an individual to create all the things they want/need without their assistance.

Supporting Biopolitics is to acknowledge personal freedom and choice. Many of these choices can be viewed as controversial, but everyone should have the right to pursue them in American society. The point remains that in a democracy, the only way to obtain individual personal freedom is to let others have that freedom as well.

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