Saturday, February 12, 2011

Apparently I can eat cake and loose weight

*The Article “Let them lose weight” in Saturday Febuary 12th edition of the Star Tribune describes the newest dieting scheme developed by French diabetes specialist Dr. Reginald Allouche. He is bringing his company to the U.S and locating it’s headquarters in Shoreview, MN. This diet is pitched to businesses in order to thwart obesity, diabetes, and other health issues that end up being paid for by business who cover up to 60% of insurance premiums. I pose three issues with this article. The first being the fact that a new “French” diet is being posed as another get slim plan that relies on the pop assumption that French people as a whole are thinner than Americans. This is evident to me since the scientific research study that “proved” it effectiveness was only on 50 French people. The other issue I take with this article is the fact that this doctor’s “proven” diet is being offered to companies to coerce employees to be on in order to offset rising health care costs versus being an option for the fad dieting crowd to catch on to. The last problem that I have is with the legitimization of business offering health plans to employees to “get healthy” when it is clear that the health of the people is only a cost loss equation to businesses.


· If you have ever heard that French women don’t get fat then you should be familiar with the phrase that American’s are stupid. We could chalk this up to the rude French nature, but I see the new business venture of French Dr. Reginals Allouche’s KOT diet company in Shorview, MN should be viewed as another opportunity to possibly exploit America’s naive search to find an easy way out in dieting tied to the greed of our capitalistic economy. In what way does bringing a business overseas with a diet that has been vaguely studied make it capable of being implemented through our workplaces as an insurance incentive? Are us Minnesotans supposed to feel lucky to have this new fad come and test it on us first before other states or people try it? Nonetheless be coerced to lose weight in order for our employers to cut costs with their health care premiums. The obesity epidemic has been America’s making. If we American’s are going to make any headway in what will soon be the defining feature of it’s people, we must not succumb to any other fad diets; least have our companies implement them for us. Finding our way out of the caustic health situation the lifestyle in this country has evolved into will be in not assuming that other peoples diets will address our health epidemic. If you take issue with other countries referring to us as stupid then we must be smart about how we stay healthy and let individuals be educated, socialized and able to get the healthy food they need at their local grocery store. We must be stupid if we are convinced that staving off the diabetes epidemic can be addressed while being able to eat pancakes, chocolate, pizza, and ice-cream. I know we are smarter than that.


  1. In your first few sentences you are at risk of looking like you are sterotyping people, I believe the point you are trying to make is a sarcastic one but sarcasm doesn't come through in text form. You may want to word it in a more politically correct way.

  2. Sarah,

    First off, I would love to see a link to this article. From your post (alone), it seems that the study was not presented by a primary source. It also seems that no US agency, the FDA for example, has independently evaluated the claims of this diet. It seems to have the potential for great controversy. From getting to know you in class, anything that elicits a response from you elicits my attention as well. :)
    I am not so much bothered by the foreign aspect; if US scientists recreate the data to acceptable standards, I don't care where it began.
    With regards to the company that wants to present the diet to the employees - this is a very hot topic for me. I seethe when I think of idiots driving up healthcare costs with self-destructive behavior (I think we all know I mean SMOKING!) I think that a company that wants to address first-hand the health of their employees should do so, regardless of motive. Any alleviation of costs benefits the other employees as much as the company. Again, without reading the article, I assume the company is willing to endure some if not all of the costs of the diet. There are companies that pay part or whole for smoking cessation for their employees. If the company isn’t singling out individuals and issuing ultimatums, I can’t view it as any more than a great investment on their part.
    Finally, Nick hit it on the head. Wording is EVERYTHING in letters like this. Editorials, letters to the editor, activism, writing politicians – all these must be handled with a specific tone. I have never written a publication, but I have solid experience with activism and political plea letters. You certainly come off as scholarly and make good points, and you don’t insult anyone (all great) but the tone could be revised as well as the length. Make a point, the less personal the better; the voice of an advocate for many is heard clearer than the outrage of one. I find it great help to have another person, (bonus if they know nothing about the topic) reading it when you are done. This gives the effect of a 3rd party who may read it in the editorial, and helps correct any grammar issues that will cause a professional write to take you even less seriously (be that fair or not.)

  3. P.S. your dog is so cute I almost peed my pants

  4. I agree with both comments - I feel your letter is pointed and brings up a lot of good arguments against the false statements, poor wording, and vague science in this article. I would also be interested in reading the article itself to see first hand how faulty the logic is.
    The whole idea of diet fads makes me cringe, as there are so many other quality (or semi-quality) programs and campaigns being created daily to try to convince people to become more active and lose weight in a way that, while not being as easy as following a foreign diet or spending a week drinking nothing but juice, is healthy and creating a good lifestyle. False "science" trying to undergo the hard work is not what this country needs. Your last few sentences definitely bring this up, discussing the promotion of a healthy lifestyle rather than diet fads. I think if you just tone down the "stupid american" vs. foreign country approach slightly, this is a wonderful letter.
