Monday, February 21, 2011

Abortion or not abortion

Medical Abortion (brand name Mifeprex) is a form of early abortion caused by the combination of two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol that is an option for women who are 8 weeks pregnant or less. Also known as RU486 or medication abortion.
During the first appointment at the clinic you receive the mifepristone pill to take orally. Then 24 to 72 hours later, in the privacy of your own home, you take the the second medication, misoprostol. Misoprostol causes contractions resulting in a miscarriage. When used in combination, mifepristone and misoprostol are 95-97% effective within two weeks. Mifepristone and misoprostol are FDA approved.

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By reading this first passage you can see that taking an abortion is not a big problem now a days. If you get pregnant and you don’t want the baby or for other reasons than just don’t want it, you can schedule an appointment with your doctor who will help you getting the pill. It’s as easy as that, you swallow a pill and nature will take its course.
But is it that easy? When you get pregnant something is growing inside of you and eventually it will become a human being. So by taking an abortion do you kill a human being? This is an ongoing discussion in society and there will always be people that are pro abortion and people that are against it.
We can put this up to the faith and science wars that have been a discussion in class. When I researched abortion a lot of the sites that came up where about not going through with an abortion. Most of these sites, are made by Christian people that believe that from the very beginning of a pregnancy the fetus has a sole and that it already is a human being. So by taking an abortion you are killing a human being. What is right or wrong in this discussion? Is it all just up to our own beliefs or can we determine the right decision?
On one of the sites I looked at, it has this saying;
Take comfort in God’s promises and ask Him to guide your decision as you gather information, view an ultrasound and consider every alternative. Respect the life He has created within you, despite the circumstances. Safeguard your own future health and well being by confidently doing the right thing. You may not be happy with decisions made by you or others in the past. But now you have the opportunity to make a better choice, not only for yourself but also for your child.
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  1. I agree this is an extremely popular topic in so many discussions, and I think it will only escalate in intensity as time progresses. With medical "treatments" such as this becoming relatively mainstream, it seems like medical science has made some bounding leaps, which makes me wonder what else could have been discovered at this point? It's hard to believe that this has only become such a relative topic within our lifetime, I'm yet to see the topic of abortion come up in historical recounts of Midevil societies, was it just that no one thought it was a big deal back then?....this must prove my ignorance because after literally a minute of googling I came up with this "The State didn't prohibit abortion until the 19th century, nor did the Church lead in this new repression. In 1803, Britain first passed antiabortion laws, which then became stricter throughout the century. The U.S. followed as individual states began to outlaw abortion. By 1880, most abortions were illegal in the U.S., except those ``necessary to save the life of the woman."----So who would've thought? It must be our free-wielding society of sex crazed teens that's led us to where we currently stand...I blame Christina Aguilera.

  2. ^^^this quote was located here...

  3. I feel like you bring up not only an important ethical issue, but a debate that has for some time been a large source of discussion.
    What determines what is or is not a human life? And do these debate take into account other issues, such as rape or circumstance?
    The Carthesian split takes into account an important separation of body and mind, but what does this mean for a debate as important as one that discusses abortion? Is it a decision that takes both body and mind into consideration, or is it one that takes into account other influences or circumstances?
    And what exactly is the true debate as it has undergone numerous forms throughout the years? Is this a debate that has only taken shape lately or is it something that has always been a struggle (predominately in a woman's mind) or has it just been largely ignored in history?

  4. I think this is quite interesting as well. I think one reason that I've always found this topic to be so interesting is that I have a hard time finding a position I want to stand firmly on. One thing that worries me with legalized abortions relates directly to the whole idea of a new way of thinking. I feel like so many in their teens to early twenties are starting to see abortions as an alternative to condoms. It's already commonly known that the "day after" pill is frequently used after those drunken nights sin protection, but what is the difference between that and doing the same thing two weeks down the road. I guess this is where the question of when life starts is asked. All the same, if borders keep getting blurrier and naive adolescents lean on the availability for abortions without fully recognizing the weight of what they are doing--where will the line be drawn. Will one be drawn?

  5. This is less of an argument and more of a stand: if a woman doesn't want to have a baby, then I don't want her to have one. What kind of life will a child have when it's unwanted before birth?

  6. Putting the ethical / religious aside (good luck, but try), what's really clear is that everything is different AFTER the pill arrives on the scene.

    Technology always changes us, collectively.
