Monday, February 21, 2011

I’d rather laugh with the sinner, than cry with the saints

So according to Christianity the good part is our mind, while our body is the bad part. The sinner. It will constantly try to deceive us into sin. This got me wondering, why are people then overweight? Is it the body that crave junk food, no exsercise along with a diet coke? Is it a natural instinct of survival that makes you eat a Big Mac instead of a salad?

The same goes for drinking. It’s pure toxic for the body. Is it the body that crave this toxic? There’s nothing in the alcohol the body could possible benefit from, still, so many of us drink it until we get sick. We ignore all signs our body keep giving us, in order to have a good time.

If there is such a thing as a mind body split, why would a machinery that God created crave unhealthy things? He must be smarter than that. The mind body split worked well when you wanted to repress certain groups, sexuality and at the same time give everyone free will. Today, in order to live a healthy life, you need to listen to your body.


  1. You do make a good point on why God created our mind like that. Or did he? Why can´t we as human beings just figure out that its not good for us to eat all that junk food and to drink toxic alcohol. Our mind should have been trained to listen to our bodys. So yeah it is a good question if there is such a thing as a body mind split, why did God create us like that?

  2. It's the mind that seems to enjoy the alcohol. It makes us feel good, lowers our inhibitions and such. Is it just for the mind? Why doesn't our mind understanding that our body hates what we're putting into it? Is this possible evidence for the split, then?

  3. The great debate that has constantly raged between the church and new political thinkers is that god gave us free will as well, and to give us the free will to choose a negative decision and expect us to never choose that consequence is pure insanity. This argument is often related specifically to the story of Adam and Eve and anyone who has read Paradise Lost will see this theme used to fight against censorship of literature as well as making divorce illegal in the 16th and 17th centuries. What John Milton (author of Paradise Lost) argues is that by taking away the choice to sin, you remove the ability for an individual to be virtuous, virtue in his way of thinking, is identifying sin, knowing one could easily perform such an action, and choosing not to because they know it would be wrong.
