Sunday, February 13, 2011


The following article, about an Evangelical Church's teaching series on God and loosing weight, amazed me.

To what extent are churches exploiting our consumerist culture? This church, the Journey Church, has advertisements even more appealing than most companies, and "they have recently undertaken direct mail, social networking and just about anything else to publicize a six-week teaching series called BOD4GOD," and seems want profit in the same way- although I'm sure they view 'saving' people as the commodity, not money, although a significant amount of $ is also needed...

Dear Editor,

I found the article 'Have Faith, Lose Weight. But First, Candy.' to be unappealing. As a reader, I did not find the article had any substance about what the sermons or services trajectory or plan of action. To make any kind of inference about a service, or larger organization, I need more specifics about the itinerary of a service, or the overall messages of services that pertain to these weekly workshops. Although I understand that, "Church officials steadfastly refused last week to discuss any aspect of their work. Those who wish to learn more can join the Boca Raton prayer list.", it would seem, since a reporter obviously attended a meeting, such information could be given. Also, there was no mention of exercise, which readers would believe to be a component of the lecture series.
Lastly, the overall tone of the article was very unsatisfactory. Lightly biting remarks about the absurdity and hypocrisy of the service were continual, but still alienating for religious readers. Is the sarcasm necessary? I think those of us who find the idea that God is helping us loose weight will laugh at this article, biased or not.



  1. * These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. God is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

  2. SO hard to get at the many, many things wrong here: almost as bad for faith than for what Erin identifies as the untested science.

    to get some purchase on such a big, troubling topic, maybe think about WHERE you see the problem: is it the church and its program (yes) or is it the REPORT of the program (yes)? Got to at least point at the difference. Then: think about HOW it's bad; from your two main critical words ('unappealing' and 'unsatisfactory') it's hard to see exactly what you find wrong--and THAT is the key.

  3. I found this article to be really interesting in regards to the nature of many "new age" religious establishments. Within the last five years my hometown of St.Charles, IL put in a massive Lutheran church that quickly became this sort of epicenter for local events.
    From baseball games to rock concerts, this place was the largest venue within a 20 mile radius. Which always led me to believe that the older, quiet Catholic church I went to seemed completely archaic, I don't even recall power outlets. The process of evolution in a capitalist society had made its way to something supposedly sacred, and it wont stop there.
    I think the article touched on this idea by bringing a hyper celebration of technology and poor diet trends into the mix. Bod4God's kickoff sounded like the seminars they might have for Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig, which I think rely on a positive, supportive environment anyways, why not a church?
