'The Identity Bazaar' was a very interesting chapter to read and I feel as though it raised a good number of questions. I think I was most drawn to it because of the inclusion and intertwining of 'conspicuous consumption'. This is a term that has interested me in the past but I have left it untouched for such a long time; I now find myself reevaluating this idea and how I feel about it. I remember that in the past when I was introduced to the topic that I was infuriated with people who would stoop to such a low level. I mean really, buying things for the sole purpose of outdoing the next person? This seemed absurd to me and I couldn't imagine that many people actually did this. Now that I'm older and have a slighter broader vision (funny, because I'm blind as a bat) I can appreciate the meaning behind this and the points that Elliot makes hold a lot of validity.
One thing he said that caught my attention was that people aren't necessarily conscious about their conspicuous consumption. He said that it is very often the case that people are trying to 'live up to a conventional standard of decency.' I wonder, is there some virtual curve in everyone's mind that they have to strive to no be surpassed by? Therefore, this conspicuous consumption is merely a tactic to stay ahead of this curve? After that I start to ask myself if we do this to try and preserve what we believe to be our true selves, and is that really striving to be our true self or, perhaps, something more than our true self?
Elliot goes on to use the cosmetics industry as an example as transitioning from medical purpose to a more conspicuous consumption purpose. I feel like this example holds a good portion of truth in it. It also helps ask the question of what your 'true self' actually is. Maybe it's the makeup-laden you, or maybe your true self likes the more natural look. Regardless, the cosmetic industry originated with a much more medical purpose in mind. Somewhere along the line as recipes kept getting shared and cosmetics went from being a treatment to an enhancement technology. Elliot brings up the great point of whether or not using cosmetics to 'improve' appearance is oppressing your true identity or allowing you to express who you are. I think that this can be related quite well to our topic on apotemnophilia. We are born with our natural hair color and facial features, just as we are born with four limbs. Is it really the case that you don't feel like your true self when you're not wearing makeup or when your hair is its natural color? Do you really feel that you are not 'complete' with four limbs and that you would feel more complete with less than that? If that's the case then I don't think that 'complete' is the right word to use. Even though changing your hair color may make you feel different, and perhaps a little better, I don't believe that it reflects who you truly are. I think this is why I believe that the label of conspicuous consumption is an accurate one when it comes to the topics at hand in this chapter.
Veblen was what turned me toward social theory, and I like this idea. It shines a light on our basic SOCIAL nature: we act to get a response from others. So this conspicuous consumption might be part of (are a shape of) human nature. How much of wht I do is for others? Hmnmmnn. Scary.