Sunday, May 8, 2011

What is your “Soma” of choice?

Over the course of this semester and out of all the topics discussed I feel the lingering effects of how The Brave New World’s soma medication for escaping the hassles of life lingered throughout our final conversations. I see how people willingly and readily take their own form of soma through many of the topics discussed and debated over. When I say take soma, I mean that we all have a way to explain how to escape from the bounds of any given topics by offering our own personal knowledge to them. I feel that the over all theme of all the topics discussed have been centered around how to explain, get through, and deal with life as we know it. Our first topics covered this though how to deal with the body you have and what you can do to it, then we moved to who we are and what we are capable of as humans and then what we accept as truth via the machines, concepts and discoveries that man has contributed to science.

As we passed through the Age of Anxiety I came to the realization that even if we don’t take anti anxiety medications most of the discussion topics, no matter how broad, always can bring each and every one of us back to our own drug of choice. For me it is the psychology of why people do it and what could contribute or be hiding under the surface of any scientific or cultural phenomenon. It is probably why I chose to focus my last post on how and why we sort out all of these issues in our own ways. For others it is in belief of the Hippocratic oath and the trust the science will prevail to keep doing great things for society. I see in others how the human rights of all emerge within every topic and that with science removed we are all Cartesian’s capable of seeking and getting to our own truths. What is amazing is everyone is taking his or her own different drugs at the same time. Some meld better then others, like when being vegetarian for the sake of animals helps you reconsider the human treatment of those who are producing your lettuce. Other ‘drugs’ have the potential of canceling each other out; like animal rights and drug development testing on animal for the sake of human treatment advances.

If anything I have learned that the drugs I choose to be on to rationalize and work through the inner working of the science and culture world work for me. I like to know I have the capability to see a bit of my drug working in all many of seemingly unrelated topics. I must question however if it is the drugs effects on me to see what it is telling me to see. To have me see everyone taking their own drugs and know that they are prescribing to one or the other maybe limits my capability of getting into the mental dimension others or in. But over all I like my drug and I think you like your too! My over all grasp is that all the drugs made this class fun, informative and really solidified the one I choose to be on. I hope it did the same for you. Or as my mom told me once about LSD, “you need to be prepared with a “spiritual guider” for that experience”; I hope that you were able to take your drug of choice and be guided by some of the others in class to reach a new understanding of why you take the drugs you do. I know I have.

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