Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Social media as battle-ground

Last post ever: One of the most interesting things we covered this semester (to me) was our extensive coverage of social media outlets-and how they can effect the public. After reading Shae's post below (Not my final post, but my show-and-tell stuff in case any of you are interested in hackers.) I watched several videos involving the Westboro Baptist Church, and their publicized responses to pressing issues. These ignorant people are given a voice that is able to be broadcasted through millions of households everyday, with little consideration of how it may amplify the cultural stigma's we've tried so hard to break down.

I found this to be especially relevant due to the fact that they are using social media to get there message across, which seems to be the evolution of standard Christian preaching. Now, rather than small demographics being subject to the preachings of WBC, the entire world is able to see who they are, what they're about, and what they're doing. To me, this alone is degrading to the American people, other countries will make connections with political republican figures like GW Bush, and associate this craziness with an exaggerated population of America, assuming they represent an entire ideology, rather than a few crazy, misinformed, extremists.

To further this argument, the noble hero in our online, social media fiasco, is non-other than a "Hacker" from oversea's (judging by his accent). The voice of 'Anonymous' in the clip above, is the voice of someone that (whether we realize it or not) we rely on. This 'hacker' has done what thousands have done before, which is to take a stand against the this Christian ideology after it has been tainted and abused and recomposed by an ignorant few.

This is a crusade of biblical purporting, this is our 'modern day' fight for influence, between the free & those enslaved by their own ignorance. It took movements like this to re-evaluate the Catholic church's power in Europe, during times of genocide and full-scale exterminations in the name of God, it took the few, intelligent citizens to revolt and reject the bs they are selling. This guy seems to have done that.-----So in some sort of conclusion, I think it's interesting to see where our smaller battles now lie. This ideological conflict has taken place over the web, the 'anonymous' guy's retaliation took place over the web, and now they're arguing about it over the web. This is where the battle is shifting, easier to personally communicate between entities, and definitely less bloodshed, so maybe this is a good thing?

1 comment:

  1. It seems extremists have always used some sort of public space to make themselves "heard". I mean, just look at our campus mall any day of the week. (I'm sorry, but that guy and his guitar in front of Walter can really tick me off on a bad day..)

    This issue of free speech is so complex. I agree, the reach that the internet can give these people can be frightening. However, what I think would be more frightening is the idea of media censorship on this kind of thing, because it is a slippery slope. After all, in my experience with the mainstream media coverage on Westboro Baptist church, it tends to incite an oppositional response, rather than furthering their agendas.

    Your last comment about less bloodshed and where our smaller battles now lie was interesting to me. A magazine from my hometown recently posted photos of some "doomsday" RV's that parked in downtown Eau Claire to hand out pamphlets. This seems to exemplify the shift you are talking about. It seems as though people who would normally deal with their anger by marching down there and confronting them, are purging their frustrations through online comments instead. Hope the link will work.
