Both of these topics are deeply rooted in our modern culture, surrounded by a stigma that's imposed by a traditional Christian viewpoint. The presentation I took part in was on AIDS, but I mainly focused on physical susceptibilities from a pseudo-medical standpoint. Though I couldn't actively research the topic of HIV/AIDS without running into a slew of religious literature that cast a shadow over a major epidemic, one expected to effect about 33 million people this year alone.
This site, is a 'question-response' forum that basically interprets the Bible for anyone who was wondering it's standpoint on certain topics, you've heard of "Ask Jeeves" well here's "Ask Jesus". I think as I get further and further along in a cultural studies major, I'm becoming (hopefully) more aware of our human impact on deities, society, and strangers personal lives, delivered through the written word.
I personally would consider myself as an agnostic, I spent the weekend in Nashville, TN and one late night was spent drinking with a 70 yr old southern man who was preaching to my friend (recently married & having a unexpected child) about-not the word of God, but rather the word of MAN. By that I mean a communal understanding of the right and wrongs that any man, bread-bringer, alpha, should abide by. Though these viewpoints may have been derived from a traditional Christian standpoint, the guy clearly stated several times how "he didn't know what was up there"-but he knew there was something. And whether or not this was the white-bearded, sandal wearing MAN that were all accustomed to, the decisions one makes in this life should be his own, because he alone lives with them. This brought me back to our discussions of body and mind, the cartesian split, and so on. Mostly because of the idea that- when one makes a heavy decision, in his physical world, he must be separately effected in his conscience, and maybe, just maybe, the guilt that any moral person feels after a poor decision, IS "God" at work. Because it can't be something imposed by an environment, it can't be something interpreted by some 50+ yr old woman at bible study who spends her free-time collecting pictures of cats, because she has NOTHING to do with the situation. In this fast-paced modern world we are living in, many traditions are being cast-out and becoming irrelevant, so one must truly rely on themselves and their own psyche, because that's who they wake up to each day, and that inner monologue will never cease. Plus with so many religions and beliefs, each as serious, and respectable as the last, whose to say which one is best.
I didn't intend on this getting so theologically charged, so back to the site listed above. The question I asked "got Questions?.org" was, "What does the bible think about AIDS?"- and the answer, much to my expectations and dismay, said the following,
"The Bible plainly teaches that our choices bear consequences. Whatever a man sows, that’s what he reaps (Galatians 6:7-8). Righteousness brings blessing: “Keep my commands and you will live” (Proverbs 7:2); and sin brings judgment: “He who sows wickedness reaps trouble” (Proverbs 22:8). One of our problems is that we want total freedom to choose our actions, but we want them consequence-free. The reality is when we choose a course of action, we automatically choose its corresponding result. Scripture warns that sexual sin carries a built-in judgment from God. “He who sins sexually sins against his own body” (1 Corinthians 6:18). “God will judge . . . all the sexually immoral” (Hebrews 13:4). It cannot be denied that living according to Biblical principles (sexual fidelity within marriage) drastically reduces one’s chances of contracting HIV / AIDS and other STDs."
This answer neglects to mention this science, and circumstances that a weeks worth of research can conjure up on the subject. Like the heavily affected, third-world countries that live with this HIV/AIDS epidemic on an everyday basis. The millions of children that contract the disease through faulty vaccinations, and/or unsanitary, unknowing, societal influences. It doesn't take into account the transmittal ability of HIV/AIDS through rape and the violence that is literally unavoidable. Are THESE people sinners? Did the 4 yr old, swelled bellied Ethiopian child, desperately clinging to life, at some point denounce our white Christian deity?
To diffuse the discussion I'd like to push it into a different topic somewhat, which is the morality and eternal consequences of body modification. The question of "what does the bible say about tattoos?" was again, thankfully, answered by another strict Christian with internet access.
This site, which has the audacity of calling itself "the American Vision," explained to me that rather than a misplaced psychological manifestation, body altering, cutting, piercing, and tattooing can all be explained as the actions of a "Christ rejecting society". Which was a relief, because here I just thought we were all crazy, and Lady Gaga's ridiculous shoulder spikes were an expression of her weird craziness, but it's actually just her rejection of God.
"Thus the devil leads astray his hordes, turning their eyes and hearts from Christ to themselves."
Suggesting that these acts often described as self-loathing, are really our society obsessing on itself, which I can understand. Why not express something outwardly through writing, drawing, singing, or something that the entire world can have and take home for themselves to hang on their fridges, rather than keeping it wrapped up and hidden under you're clothes. In a way it is self-obsessed, but I'm not saying I'm against it, everyone deserves something for their own. My biggest problem with this article was the ridicule and aggression towards a mid-west minister ("minister" in quotes in the article, passive aggression is still aggression) and his quality of faith, due to the fact that he had tattoos & piercings (though the guy could've left out the prince albert when interviewed by the christian community). But the article suggests that this man is not serious in his faith, his profession, because of some physical aspect of his body. Which again brings me back to the Cartesian Split, are we what we look like? Pre-transgender operation patients would probably say otherwise, but that's a whole new discussion.
I hope I didn't push many buttons here, everything's open for discussion as always. I'll leave you with this guy...
When I see pictures like the one you've posted, I sometimes lament about how much expendable income certain segments of our population has. Which has nothing to do with your post...but is something I think often enough when I see folks asking for spare change in places like New Orleans when they have fully completed professional tattoo sleeves and seem likely to have access to a trust fund of one sort of another.
ReplyDeleteTo end that bitter tirade, I must say that it is really amazing to think about the kind of elasticity that various Christian groups have in their interpretation of scripture and its relation to the body. The concept of "free will" and how has it and who does not (and what that says about that person, not just bodily but spiritually) is really fascinating.