Sunday, May 1, 2011

So Many States of Fear

My apologies for not following the dictates of this prompt strictly; couldn't think of anything other than what follows!

In many ways, I feel that the central theme of being in a 'state of fear' runs through the majority of our projects in different ways. In my own project, the fear that the rich will be able to perfect themselves, partially through plastic surgery, is a part of the conterversy surrounding body modification/childhood beauty pageants. Extremely evident in PETA, people on the pro side of the argument are worried about the animals' welfare; people on the anti side are concerned that extremists within PETA will do things like release animals or halt critical research. Lastly, AIDS/HIV is a dangerous 'state of fear' which pervades the stigma associated with this disease. All in all, no matter what side of an issue people are on, fear is created, sometimes intentionally, by moral, class and economic divides which an informed world citizen should be aware and critical of.

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