After reading this book I found myself relatively convinced by Crichton, but I can't help thinking this is what I'm expected to say, I'll explain.
Crichton creates Evans as a allegory for the American public, someone who is undecided in whether or not global warming exists, but merely follows the media and the hype surrounding it. When we (the American public) are bombarded with overwhelming opinions from each side of the argument, it's hard to place loyalty in anything other than the "I don't know what to think" category. If we are Evans than it becomes painfully clear that Kenner is Crichton, a refined, respectable hero, that is aggressively articulate in his convictions that global warming is a myth. Not to mention the relationship the reader has to an author like Michael Crichton. The man wrote Jurassic Park, need I say more?---Though 'Jurassic Park' obviously holds no validity in the global warming argument, the profound influence the book had on American culture should. After reading it I remember thinking, "Dude, it's only a matter of time until we can extract Dinosaur DNA from somewhere, and boom." I wonder who Dr. Alan Grant was supposed to be modeled after?---Straying from the point again, but here it is: Micheal Crichton has the ability to prey off the ignorant masses of our society. Not in a harmful or decietful way, but in a way that further elevates his masterful tales. The incorporation of fact and fiction, marvelously intertwined in a way that not only does the story seem feasible, but we're not entirely sure if it's already happened. A wonderful concept, and in my opinion, taking peoples fear and incorporating into a narrative is a modern form of beautification. Turning anxiety into something constructive.
The real part I wanted to highlight was the operations of NERF and ELF, and the concepts we can equate them with in real life.
A friend of mine works as a currency trader for US Bank, and one of his main priorities when investing with new customers is to research and pick apart the intentions and capabilities of their companies. One recent company he described, was a type of "weather solutions" platform, contracted by governments to modify and manipulate weather that could prove especially harmful...(i.e. diverting a severe hail storm from hitting a major city and potentially causing millions of dollars in damage, as well as causing rainstorms and areas of east Africa during long periods of drought.) When I first heard this completely new (to me) idea and learned a bit more, I couldn't help but wonder, why didn't the company get involved in hurricane Katrina?---The answer is they couldn't, once called Project Cirrus in the late 1940's and then later morphing into Project Stormfury, the US govt was heavily invested in the business of modifying weather. After both projects flaked out and could not receive funding from the government, the concept resorted to smaller private companies, where the only restrictions were whether or not your group was able to build and airplane strong enough to dive through the eyewall of a hurricane. Check the link below for a thorough report, very interesting stuff and a very easy read...
I agree that Crichton is using his characters to portray larger, real-life groups and individuals. It's interesting to consider how, by implementing a moldable character (Evans), who represents an ignorant society, in his novel, Crichton is able to argue the reader out of considering his book as yet another source of hyped political opinion: it's not an attempt to argue ideology, just a story of an uninformed man learning the truth.