This website is absolutely coming from the “Industry” side. I actually just googled “climate change”, and this was the very first thing to come up. It was in one of those nice pinkish-tannish boxes that identify it as an ad, even! And it was from Chevron.
The fact that a website from Chevron, an industry and oil mega-company was on the top of the Google list is in that cynical way, really hilarious. To me, they are screaming, “we know we are harming the earth but we know that you know that too so we’re going to do good things too, okay?!? So please keep giving is your money!!” It was the similar to the moves that Crichton describes the industry bigwigs of doing in State of Fear – being board members of an environmental group to make themselves look better to the consumers and politicians.
Taking a look through their FAQs portrays them as being a company attempting to be as scientifically up to date as possible, and one that wants to make the earth a healthier place. But they also want to keep doing their business. It seems that Chevron will go as far as they need to in order to keep the public on their side in order to keep making money, but not much further. They’ve devoted a huge portion of their website to Global Issues, which range from Climate Change to Energy Policies to Human Rights. But when asked what their view on Climate Change is, they state, “Climate Change is a complex subject, one that is evolving now, and one that will evolve for years to come.” That’s pretty much it. As their answer continues, it doesn’t get any less vague. This lack of clarity seems to suggest that they don’t actually believe any of it, but know that it’s really getting those liberals all riled up so they better at least acknowledge it in order t make business perform a little smoother.
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