Let's look back at the Poster Presentations, link a couple together in some interesting ways and use some of the terms / concepts from our work to do it. I'm calling this a '2 X 2' project: TWO posters, TWO concepts or terms, and as interestingly dense a linking as you can get.
I'm currently focused on horrors and fascinations of body modification and cosmetic surgeries. I think Lady G just may be right when she says that her 'art' is different from the things reported in the Strib this morning about men scheduling liposuction a year before their beach vacations. In an old Susan Bordo (feminist, smart, rules) article, she observes that every woman who has breast augmentations says she 'did it for herself.' Bordo says 'where is this "self" located? On Mars? And how did it decide it needed bigger breasts?"' Who's Lady G or Orlan 'doing it for'? Yikes!, there's a field day here—theory and material.
Go for it. Make sure that we all find ourselves clearer on our common topics and ideas, and seeing things in the Poster Projects that we may have missed after we read your posts.
Suppose one has only seen 2 other poster projects besides the one you have made yourself?