Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Profitability of Prescription

My story is a little on the personal side but I decided I feel comfortable sharing it with you all. My most recent personal encounter with science and medicine began last year, as a sophomore in college. I was in with the doctor for a regular check-up and it went swimmingly. Perfect vision, reflexes, no alarming growths or tumors; all good. Throughout the appointment the "young adult" questions began making their way into the conversation. Any drug or alcohol use? Have I picked up smoking? Tanning? Do I understand the health risks involved with all of the above? The conversation then made it's natural progression of course, to birth control. Up until that point I had not been on the pill; although it seemed like all of my friends had been taking it since the early days of high school for everything from clear skin and regular periods to its intended use. I didn't have the need.

My doctor asked if it was something I was interested in. Until then I hadn't given it a second thought, but now that she was asking, sure, I guess I was interested. After all they were advertising "3 Periods a Year!" during every episode of Gilmore Girls I watched. Hell yeah. That was it, she gave me a 15 second run-down of the increased risk of clotting if you smoke (I don't), the importance of not missing a dose, and the fact that it won't prevent STD's. She handed me a prescription I could pick up later that day and boom, I was on the pill.

"Wow, that was easy" I thought. No...not quite. Three months later I was in the ER at Hennepin County Medical Center, in attack acardia as a result of a massive Bi-Pulmonary Embolism ( two large blood clots on either side of my lungs). Earlier that week I had begun having chest pain and shortness of breath, it reached it's worst one day at work. My boss insisted that I go to a Minute Clinic in the skyway instead of going home to rest. She saved my life. As soon as the nurse took my vitals I was being rushed to the hospital. The doctor told me that if I had gone home to rest as planned, I would've died. The I won't bore you with details of the aftermath but in a nutshell it included 3 days in the hospital, giving myself shots daily for a month, weekly visits to an anti-coagulation clinic, multiple CT Scans, prescription blood thinners, and a specific diet excluding vitamin K rich foods and alcohol.

Initially I was shocked and confused. I had to move home and my life had been completely re-arranged. I was under the impression that I was the unfortunate but exceedingly rare exception to an otherwise safe prescription. After further research I discovered that this is NOT AT ALL the case. I came across this blog ( and was shocked by the large number of young, healthy, non-smoking girls that had been through the exact same potentially fatal experience.

After looking thorough this blog and it's 8 pages of replies, as well as other similar forums, I am incredibly frustrated and angry that this problem is not being discussed. If there are this many girls who barely made it in time, how many did not? For those whose clots were fatal, were their loved ones told that the side effect was an incredibly rare outlying statistic? The profitability of these prescriptions has clearly overcome some of the very serious risks involved. Potentially fatal side effects are rushed into 3 seconds at the end of a commercial. I was under the impression that my risk was incredibly low, and had not been advised on the symptoms to watch for that would indicate a clot. I have found accounts from girls as young as 16 who almost died from blood clots because the pill was being used to clear up their acne. With so many other skin care products available should a pill that has such potentially serious side affects be "marketed" in that manner?! Should medications be "marketed" at all? It sure helps the drug company's bottom line, but what are the consequences? By that I mean the REAL consequences, not the lab reports contracted out by the company to ensure approval by the FDA. Every time I see a birth control commercial it makes me sick. Young healthy girls parade across the screen in sundresses, as if choosing what to put into your body to alter hormones should be as easy as choosing a lipstick color.

I also believe this relates to the over-medication of our society as a whole. It raises questions that relate to everything from Aderol to Prozac about the capitalization of prescriptions. Just because we CAN medicate something, does it mean we SHOULD? Is it worth the risk of a fatal clot if younger girl's sole use is to have fewer periods a year or less acne? Along the same lines as Nickolas' first post, it brings up issues about whether or not drug side-effects are causing more problems than the things they set out to "cure". In other contexts such as ADD the questions becomes something else. What are the potential capitalist benefits of defining a "disorder" and do they ever come into play? When we say that ADD needs to be "fixed" who decides that, and who has a financial profit to be gained?

As always, more questions than answers.


  1. I think you touch on a very important point in regards to the relationship between medicine and capitalism. I think we are getting dangerously close to a point where the selling of medication is becoming more important than the medication itself.

    To follow the ADHD example you put at the end, it certainly isn't the psychologists arguing that every case of ADHD needs to be medicated and controlled.

    And as for the example of birth control, it seems almost ludicrous that your doctor wasn't aware of, or at least didn't inform you about, major risks associated with the pill. I don't know much about the relationship between medical institutions and pharmaceuticals, but I can't imagine the consequences of shifting to a paradigm where prescribing a medication becomes one of the primary goals of the physician.

  2. Like the comment above, I cannot believe that your doctor was so blasé when prescribing you birth control. To not go over the side effects of any medicine is irresponsible.

    My mom is an endocrinologist here at the University, and your story reminded my a lot of her take on prescription medicine. She gets so worked up when she sees commercials for a brand name drug on television or in magazines - normally these are anti-depression meds, but others as well. In ads, they only show the one, good side of the pill at hand, and completely overlook the fact that everyone responds differently to medicines. No one pill is going to be cure everyone, and pharmaceutical companies should no advertise medicine as such.

    Prescribing medicine, and actually attempting to help people with medical problems has become less individualized and less about the patient and more about offering a blanket pill that promises to cure us all.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hannnah, your story shocked me, and I'm so glad you are OK! As a fellow ex-user of that type of birth control, I took a little time to look up some statistics for our class, especially for the women.

    Pulmonary embolism is the third most common cause of death in hospitalized patients. Estrogen-containing birth control pills have increased the occurrence of venous thromboembolism in healthy women. The risk is proportional to the estrogen content and is increased in postmenopausal women on hormonal replacement therapy. The relative risk is 3-fold, but the absolute risk is 20-30 cases per 100,000 persons per year.

    Maybe we could reduce this by reducing the estrogen in our birth control, since the increased risk is proportional to the estrogen content. Birth controls such as the shot or certain IUDs, I take Mirena, for instance, don't use estrogen. But all birth controls have very scary side effects. Would taking Plan B and birth control be super unsafe? Something to consider women.

    Info taken from

  5. I can’t speak for all situations, but the question, “Just because we can do something, should we?” posed to an engineer will probably elicit an enthusiastic “Yes!” Should we build a sports car with a 12-liter, 800 horsepower V-16 engine? Should we design a weapon capable of destroying an entire city? Should we make a drug that offers relief from some heretofore un-relievable affliction? If you don’t do it, then someone else will.
    There are big incentives for coming up with new technologies. If the technology works well, there are bigger incentives for making that technology proprietary. Let’s refer to this as “securing the account”. If you need my proprietary technology, you’ll have to call me to get it. If my technology breaks, you’ll have to call me to fix it. It’s job security. Pharmaceutical companies engineer a treatment for your symptoms, but you’ll have to call them to get it. They offer a cure, but they have every incentive to leave the malady uncured.
    Of course I don’t necessarily think that Big Pharma is out to turn their customers into junkies. The regulatory apparatus isn’t that lax. If they were, we’d still probably still be able to buy things like Bayer brand Heroin and cocaine toothache pills. Sure, they’ll sell you a cure, but the bottom line is that Big Pharma is out there to make a buck, just like any other business.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Some modern feminist thinkers will point to cases such as yours as a reason why more men need to start taking sharing responsibility of birth control seriously. The fact that women's versions of birth control are both more expensive and potentially harmful is cause for great concern in our society and we need to change the fact that it is considered a "women's problem".

  8. All of us saying, in different words: OMG, and thanks god you're OK. Sure the 'incidence is small,' but as Nick points out, the '3 times a year' and Gillmore Girls has little to do with health and a lot to do with market share. This is a story that needs to come up as we work on the drug hybrid.
